EmComm Tools OS Community Edition

The Mission

Welcome to the EmComm Tools OS Community site. The mission of this project is to:

  • Provide an offline-first digital communications platform for offgrid operations
  • Deliver an easy-to-use, modern user experience
  • Pre-configure communications software to minimize setup time
  • Customize existing software to support field expedient communication
  • Standardize on hardware to support operations in austere environments
  • Run the operating system off a bootable USB drive or directly on the hard disk
  • Provide an air-gapped compute platform that never needs to go online

What is EmComm Tool OS?

EmComm Tools OS is a customized version of Ubuntu Linux designed to meet the goals outlined above. It is designed to be packaged as a complete operating system, with all the software packages and configuration needed to carry out offgrid communication with near-zero configuration required by the operator.

The original idea was to package the entire operating system as a live USB image that could be loaded onto a thumb drive. The user could either install the full operating system on a computer’s hard drive or run it entirely in memory without installing anything. However, due to a number of logistical and legal issues, the creator, The Tech Prepper, cannot distribute the customized ISO images or pre-loaded USB drives.

Instead, the goal of this project is to provide documentation, videos, and a installation scripts that will allow users to create their own build of the EmComm Tools OS image.

Introduction Video


While the documentation and scripts will be made publicly available on GitHub for building most of the platform, only supporting members on Buy Me a Coffee will have access to the companion documentation videos and custom “EmComm Tools” applications developed by The Tech Prepper. I rely on member support to keep this project going.

Copyright © 2024 The Tech Prepper, LLC